Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Sometimes it is good to be in England! My thoughts go out to...

OK - so England may not have the biggest or the fastest or the best... But I love living here!

We have reasonable weather, yes it changes a lot so we Brits talk about it a fair amount - but we don't have the tornadoes, droughts, floods that other countries do. My thoughts go out to all those in Louisville Kentucky --> http://www.huliq.com/1/84481/major-louisville-flooding-paralyzes-city

We have our coughs and sniffles, and in theory swine flu is on it's way... But at least we don't have the pneomonic plague! My thoughts go out to those quarantined in China --> http://healthmad.com/conditions-and-diseases/bubonic-plague-symptoms-treatment-transmission/

We have hills, dales and the most beautiful countryside with the National Parks and my persoanl favourite the Costwolds, pictured on the left is Lower Slaughter. My thoughts go out to those in Baja California --> http://scienceray.com/earth-sciences/earthquakes-causes-effects-and-prediction/

My thoughts go out to all those who have been victims of disease or disaster - may the blessing of the godess be with you all.

Blessed be

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